How Much to Charge for Social Media Management

How Much to Charge for Social Media Management

Awesome Social

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November 16 , 2023


25 min read

How Much to Charge for Social Media Management

Running a business without a strong presence on social platforms is almost impossible in the digital age. Still, some marketers and business owners fail to manage social media campaigns strategically due to a lack of resources or experience.

On the other hand, many companies have thought of doubling up their social media marketing budget in the coming years. Besides, many businesses want to outsource their regular social media management activities to agencies and freelancers. So, how much should you charge as a social media manager?

Perhaps you have set a too low price to attract more clients. But, after a certain period, you may want to raise your rate to earn more. Let us help you create a good pricing framework without compromising your profit.

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Have you set a reasonable charge for your social media management services?

What is your primary goal when you provide your clients with social media services? You want to get their brands positioned in the front. Right? Your SMM agency must treat social networking platforms as the channels for considerable business growth.

The most common pricing of most social media agencies is around $1,500 to $25,000. But, if you have already set your charges, should you alter it?

Of course, you should rethink your pricing rate, as the market does not remain stable for years. Your company’s agility and ability to market trends can affect your profitability and revenues.

Do you know Google itself modifies the charges for its services and products? We have clarified it with an example.

Source: Google Workspace

It has increased the prices of different editions of Google Workspace Business. Google has claimed that it has added more value to the editions while increasing the rate. It has also thought of rolling out a new price rate to provide customers and partners with enough lead time.

You can also think of adjusting your charges for social media services in different situations. We have listed some common signs you should alter your charges.

1) Increased revenue- But no significant profits

You have gained high revenue in the last few months. However, your profits are getting decreased or have become stagnant. To overcome this problem, you need to increase your charges.

2) Your competitors’ rates are high

You can do competitive research to know the average rate of your competitors for their social media services. You may find some big competitors charging a high rate for fewer services. So, you should analyze your industry’s market to avoid charging too low.

3) You have thought of scaling your business

If you currently own a social media agency and want to scale your services, you can partner with a white-label SMM agency. You will get a dedicated manager and high-quality social content.

3) Vendors have increased prices

In the social media marketing industry, you need to rely on social media scheduling & management tools to serve your clients. So, if those social media management software providers have raised their rates, you need to increase your charges.

Even though you have a highly skilled team, you cannot avoid using those tools. Standard pricing on these tools depends on how many users and social channels you are using. The monthly cost of these tools can start from $10 all the way up to $3600.

Check out the average hourly rate of social media managers of different levels-

  • Entry level- $25.09
  • Senior level- $60.95
  • Mid-level $60.95

So, depending on your skills and expertise, you can set the charge.

The image lets you compare prices of different social media management tools like Awesome Social, Hubspot, and Sprout Social. Although these tools offer a limited free trial offer, there is a significant difference in the price range.

If you want a comprehensive marketing solution, the Awesome Social's Professional plan from is the right choice. It is designed for agencies and gorwing brands and allows them to clients, workflows and multiple social accounts. Awesome Social offers flexible pricing plan, so you pay for only what you use. What’s more, the social media content is scalable according to your needs. You will be able to publish unlimited posts in a month.

It is better to stay flexible regarding social media management pricing. Learn everything about your potential client before starting the SMM project. Based on the information gathered, you can determine the right charge for your services. The most important factors that can affect your price-related decision are-

4) Industry of your client

Growth plans, pricing, and competition levels are different in every industry. For instance, the food and beverage sector is highly competitive, and the competition will become more intense this year.

5) Business size

If you work with a bigger organization, it is ready to invest a higher amount in marketing. But, many small businesses allocate only a small percentage (7 to 8%) of revenue to social media marketing.

Many SMM agencies adjust their charges for every project and client. Although it seems to be odd, customizing your services and charges will satisfy your clients.

What should be your charge as a freelance social media manager?

If you are a beginner in social media management work, it is better to set an hourly charge. Many newbies in this field charge around $25 to $30 an hour. They work for every client for 20 hours a month. So, they are able to earn about $250 to $700 per month.

But, it is challenging to set a reasonable price if you are self-employed. Freelance social media managers adjust their charges depending on the project complexity and experience level. The monthly charge of freelance SMM experts can be up to $ 10,000.

Image source -

We have presented you with a sample profile of a freelance social media manager at Upwork. This social media manager from the USA charges $27 per hour for different services, such as Instagram marketing and Facebook marketing.

What social media services would you offer?

If you have decided to work with businesses as a social media manager, you should create a list of services to offer. Creating and managing social media profiles are, of course, your main goal. However, you should provide several other services to make your client’s SMM campaign successful.

1) Social media strategy development

Creating a proper plan for social media marketing is the most important step. Before starting the campaign, you should decide on how to use social platforms to let your clients achieve their goals. You need to identify their target audience, develop content ideas, and research competitors.

We have provided an example of a social media strategy where the SMM expert has asked followers to give opinions. It is the best tactic to develop high engagement on social platforms.

2) Social media account setup

Many small businesses hire social media managers to set up their professional social media accounts and pages. They will also ask you to give advice on the right social platforms they should use for the campaign. So, you need to help those brands in creating an attractive social media profile.

While creating the profile, you should write a precise bio, upload a proper profile picture, select a professional background image, and manage privacy settings.

4) Social media content development

Your clients will ask you to write the best quality social media content for their business. Various types of content can be published across different digital channels. But, you should choose the right content format for your social media campaign.

For instance, when you need to publish images, you should consider the best practices and relevant guidelines on the chosen platform. Even textual posts also need proper formatting. Although Twitter has doubled the character limit, you need to create a tweet carefully.

Highly compelling social media content is effective in spreading the brand message.

Source: ContentMarketingInstitute

You can check the food pyramid as an example of content creation. It involves developing videos, creating graphics, writing blogs, and souring share-worthy content from other sites.

Source: Buffer

According to, there should be a proper balance of the types of content shared on the social platform. 30/60/10 is the golden ratio for social media content developer. It means 30% of your content should be unique and about your brand. Another 30% of the content should be promotional posts. 60% of the content can be sourced from other platforms, and you can publish it after curating it properly.

5) Social media content publishing

As a social media marketer, you should help your clients schedule the content. Most businesses do not have time to publish social media content regularly. In fact, it is challenging to choose the right time for posting if you deal with international audience. So, you can help your clients publish the content and gain more responses from the target viewers.

Use a content calendar to post social media content regularly. Create a weekly or monthly plan for publishing your social media posts. For instance, your weekly plan needs to include

  • Product launches and events for the coming weeks
  • New blogs to be published
  • Images that you want to create in advance
Source: Buffer

Daily social media posting time and frequency are different for every social platform. The image gives you a clear idea of when and where you should post.

6) Consulting and training

Many novice entrepreneurs do not know how to manage their social media profiles and develop a strong presence. So, if you have social media marketing knowledge, you can work as a consultant. Educate others about social media marketing and get paid for your services. Your guidance will help clients learn how to interact with the target audience without complicated jargon. Let your clients understand social media policy and build a team on the social platforms.

7) Community management

You can help your clients develop a big community on Facebook, Twitter, or other social platforms. However, maintaining the community involves an ongoing effort. Being a social media manager, you are responsible for interacting with everyone in the group.

With social listening and other techniques, you can learn about the concerns and queries of the target audience. As a community manager, you should also respond to every comment, send messages, and actively engage with targeted accounts. Since community management is a time-consuming task, most businesses outsource it to social media experts.

8) Graphic design

If you want to manage a social media campaign without engaging others, you should have graphic design skills. Or else, you can hire a graphic designer to create visually appealing social media content. Although there are royalty-free stock images on the web, customized graphic designs work best.

While creating graphics, you should maintain the proper contrast of colors to gain the attention of viewers. You may also use premium tools to design flawless graphics for social media content. Graphic design services include different things ranging from infographics to social media cover page development.

Source: FinancesOnline

It is one of the best examples of an attractive social media graphic design. The designer has carefully used bold and bright colors to make the design.

Source: FinancesOnline

Again, 2-tone gradients have been used for this unique graphic design. Although duotones are simple, they have made the graphic design distinctive.

9) Social media advertising

If your clients want to reach a large audience with a paid campaign, you should run an ad campaign. You need to create an engaging ad copy and design visuals based on the target audience's interests and demographics. Conversion-centric ads for different social platforms will help you get the best result. Social media ad performance is easily measurable because it provides comprehensive analytics. You can analyze the data and improve your campaign.

10) Social media audits and monitoring

Many businesses hire social media managers to track their social media accounts' performances. Use tools for monitoring accounts and creating a detailed report. Let your clients know about conversions, engagement rate, and follower growth.

For social media audits, you have to analyze campaigns on various social platforms. It is a one-time or monthly service provided by social media marketers.

Determine the charge for different social media services

Have you decided on the list of services you want to provide? But, it is essential to set the charge for different types of social media services. Your clients will want to make a deal with you only after getting an estimate.

How much should you charge for creating an SMM strategy?

The term' social media strategy' covers almost everything related to social media marketing campaigns. You can use the phrases' social media management' and 'social media marketing campaign' interchangeably.

Make sure that your clients will not feel confused. The process of developing a strategy involves understanding the target audiences of your client's business and selecting social channels. Besides, you have to analyze the data obtained from various sources.

According to a reliable source, the hourly rate of social media strategists ranges from $60 to $190. If an efficient, senior-level social media professional manages the strategy, it takes around 30 hours to get the work done. So, your clients will easily be able to do the calculation.

Social media strategists need to deal with complicated, technical work. That is why they charge a higher rate for their services. But, you can also set an annual charge for social media services. New businesses that want to develop their presence on social platforms may want you to create the SMM strategy.

A strategy-based social media marketing project attracts different types of clients-

  • New brands looking for experts to develop a solid foundation with social campaigns
  • Established companies whose social media performance is not currently satisfactory

So, you can decide on the charge for your social media services. With a clear presentation of your charges, you will find it easy to convince the potential client to make a deal.

What should be your rate for social media campaign management services?

Social media management is a vast project that involves continuous effort. It includes everything from developing content to interacting with followers. You should be highly precise while creating your pricing scheme for social media marketing management. Many social media companies have set a charge ranging from $40 to $190 per hour. For highly reputed agencies, it is more than $300 per hour.

Source: Upwork

According to Upwork, freelance social media managers charge $14 to $35 per hour.

However, different factors influence the overall cost of social media management. For instance, the number of platforms to be managed can affect your pricing strategy. Besides, the need for customized content is another cost factor for social media services. As a social media specialist, you must devote significant time to creating and maintaining social media campaigns.

Source: Upwork

Upwork has made a clear presentation of the average rates charged by social media agencies for various services. The chart shows that the account management charge is based on 2 social channels. If you need to manage more channels, you can charge higher. The image also lets you compare the differences in charges of the large and small SMM companies.

How much should you charge for community building?

Some companies have an in-house team to manage their social media groups or communities. However, most agencies look for social media community managers to save time and money. As a community manager, you may have multiple goals–

  • Publish on social platforms
  • Respond to comments every day
  • Organize contests and so on

Depending on the activities you need to manage, you can set your charge. Your main task is to promote your client’s brand on social media sites. The charge of a community manager can be up to $190 per hour. As an efficient community manager, you should be patient, passionate, and curious. You can set a fixed rate for your community management services. But, some professionals determine the rate based on the frequency of their work and the duration of their collaboration with the brand.

What is the reasonable charge for social media content creation?

Content development is an important part of your SMM campaign. While creating a social media strategy for your client, you can never overlook content. It is essential to show industry knowledge when you develop content. The content for social media content is of different types

  • Small textual content
  • Podcasts
  • Images like infographics
  • Video for Facebook and other platforms
  • Webinars and other live videos
  • Live events for a brand

You should always remain involved in the client’s business to create social media content. The most significant goal is to make the content more meaningful.

Now, let us talk about the charges for content creation. Social media content creators charge around $50 to $100 per article. Many graphic designers with a skill for creating well-branded images charge $5 to $10. If your overall charge is about $2000, you can retain clients for a long period.

Video content creators for social media campaigns charge a different rate depending on the location. In the UK and US, the charge starts from $1200. But, the video content cost varies significantly based on the video length. Freelancers and agencies set their charges according to their video quality, type, and experience.

How much should I charge for social media advertising campaigns?

You can set your own charge depending on the number of platforms, ad types, and your expertise. However, we have presented you with an example of a social media advertising package.

Source: Clutch

Hunter Digital, a US-based company, has created separate packages for SMBs and large businesses. These packages are only for Instagram and Facebook ad management campaigns. Small businesses need to pay around $2000 per month. The package also includes banner design, competition analysis, and ad copywriting services. Larger businesses need to pay $ 5,000 dollar a month for social media ad campaigns.

Before deciding on the charge, you should learn about the costs of ads on various platforms.

Facebook calculates its ad costs through an auction. Its algorithms vary with estimated engagement and ad quality. Most social media sites use CPC and cost per impressions to find the costs. The cost per lead is around $5.80. However, you should help your clients reduce the cost with proper Facebook audience targeting.

In case of TikTok, there are some requirements for minimum budgets. The daily budget for ad groups needs to be at least $20. The total budget needs to be $50. The CPC for TikTik advertising is $1. The right budget ensures consistent delivery of ads.

Twitter is another social media site where the CTR can be higher. Brands need to pay at least $0.50 for every promoted tweet. Like Facebook, Twitter has an auction model to ensure ad engagement. As an advertiser, you should also place bids for promoted trends.

If you have a B2B client, advertising on LinkedIn is important. By placing competitive bids, you can display your advertisements to the target LinkedIn users. LinkedIn allows various types of ads ranging from text ads to sponsored ads. The rate for 1000 impressions is $6.59, while the cost of every paid message is $0.80.

Different steps for deciding on the prices for social media marketing

You should learn about the steps for fixing your charge for SMM services.

Step1- Evaluate the pricing strategy of other SMM agencies

Without a detailed study, there is a risk of charging a too high or low price. To learn about the charge of other social media managers, you need to choose different approaches.

Check your competitor’s website or ask for a quote. Some agencies are transparent about their pricing schemes, whereas others give estimates based on the services. So, you should compare their services and prices to yours.

Join social media communities and forums to get the pricing idea. You may also browse Google to look for these forums. Many social media managers clearly mention their charges. However, not every professional will do so.

Industry research is another way to learn about SMM pricing. Of course, you should research the market of the target country. It will help you understand how much social media agencies charge.

The Content Factory found that a business makes an average monthly investment of $6,000 to $10,500. But, it may vary depending on the goals of the business.

Step 2- Learn about your clients

Depending on your client’s industry, you need to apply various tactics, skillsets, approaches, and strategies to develop content. However, you have a scope for doing experimentation with clients from different fields. Still, you must acknowledge that your in-house social media team has solid knowledge about various industries. Your team members should be able to produce quality content for the client from a particular industry.

Step 3- Review your social media services

You should create an updated list of social media services. Make sure you have included the services you would like to offer in the coming years. Some freelancers and agencies specialize in developing social media content, while others provide influence marketing and Facebook advertising services.

So, you can make a list of social media-related services and identify ones that you provide frequently. Consider the specialty skills of your team before creating the packages. For example, if your professionals are skilled at creating social media ads, you can include paid advertising in your package.

Step 4- Calculate your business operation cost

Most social media managers make the mistake of underpricing or overcharging their clients. So, you should aim at setting the most reasonable rate. To do it successfully, you need to analyze your costs and create a pricing strategy. Calculate the cost of

  • Hiring employees
  • Promoting your own business
  • Buying premium software

Step 5- Work out the hourly charge


Figure out the hourly rate to calculate the cost for every client. Count the additional costs and the number of hours you serve your client.

Step- 6- Learn about your client’s opinion about your current pricing

You might have worked with some clients and provided your social media services. Now, you can encourage your loyal clients to express their views about your pricing plan. But, the way you approach your clients depends on your relationship with them.

An open conversation with them will help you know whether your services have provided them with great value. You will be able to prove the value by reinforcing the positive results. Your strong rapport with the client will be beneficial to your business.

You are now ready to design your own package of social media management services. One package should be very basic, while the other package needs to provide a more inclusive service.

Find the social media pricing packages of the reputed company, WebFX.

But, it is not compulsory to display the price for every package. Hide your price and let visitors ask for a quote.

For instance, Yellow Hyena has created its pricing scheme without exposing the rates.

You can also allow your clients to choose custom packages based on their needs and budget.

Pricing strategies and models for a social media company

Social media marketing campaigns involve different skills, including creative and analytical ability. So, creating a pricing strategy for your SMM business is a complicated task. Still, we have presented you with some options for developing the pricing strategy. No matter what strategy you have chosen, each of them has merits and demerits.


If you want more profit, you should provide more services. As a social media agency owner, you should calculate your service cost to determine the right selling price. Cost-based pricing is very simple, and there is no need for thorough research. However, one disadvantage is that it does not consider demand and competition levels. As a beginner social media marketer, you can rely on this pricing structure.


How much value have you provided to your clients with your services? It is essential to understand how your client perceives the value of your social media agency. This knowledge will help you determine the charge you should impose for social media services.

You have to focus on your business reputation while setting the prices. But, some uncontrollable factors like negative publicity can affect your pricing decision.

Flexibility is the major advantage of choosing value-based SMM pricing. You can boost your company’s value by gaining accreditations and applying better marketing tactics.

You should do a market analysis and competitive analysis to learn about the standard prices of your social media services.


Many social media agencies decide on a competition-based pricing structure. In some case, you need to know your competitors’ rates before setting your charges. There are different ways to choose this approach-

  • Set a rate that is higher or lower than your competitor’s rate.
  • Adhere to the prevalent market price ranges.

Make sure you are ready to do intensive research to set the competition-based price rate. Moreover, you need to adjust the price very often. Remember, if you work as a low-cost SMM service provider, this pricing strategy will prevent business scalability.

You have now learned about various strategies for your SMM agency. But, you should also understand the pricing models to make your decision.

Retainer-based pricing model

Several social media marketing agencies have considered this pricing model. One advantage is that clients will make an advance payment for the ongoing work. You have to charge a monthly rate if you have chosen this pricing model. It also ensures security and stability for your agency. However, your team needs to devote a significant amount of resources and time to every project. But, one demerit is that as you need to make a contract, it limits your creativity or innovation.

Source: SEOPlus

The image shows an example of the retainer-based pricing model of a reputed agency, seoplus. Its clients can easily choose the monthly pricing package.

Price per task

You can set the charge for every small or large social media project. Based on the complexity, the number of professionals involved, and the delivery time, you can set your charge. But, upfront planning is essential if you have chosen this pricing model.

Hourly price

Many social media firms have set their hourly rates. It is also advantageous to freelance social media marketers. Your client needs to pay for the number of hours you have worked on his project. Remember that not every hour is billable. Still, it is easy to implement this pricing model.

Factors influencing your price for social media services


Do you need to create a detailed strategy for social media marketing of your client’s business? You need to identify the target audience, select the best platforms, and measure success. Thus, you can charge higher if you have created a complicated strategy for a long-term social media campaign.

Posting frequency

How often do you need to post on social networking platforms? If you have considered multiple social media sites, you should set different posting frequency. For some social platforms, a higher posting frequency is essential. So, set the charge based on this factor.

Quality of your social media posts

Adding fresh content to social platforms’ feeds is important. The type of social media content ranges from blogs and photos to videos and animated GIFs. However, the quality of your content can make a difference in your charges.


Some social media posts need creativity to show uniqueness. So, you can charge a slightly higher rate for your create social posts.

Guide to creating a proper structure for SMM packages

Social Media Marketing packages refer to a series of SMM services to help your clients manage their social media campaigns. Every package should contain a number of SMM solutions available at different price levels. You can include content development, strategy creation, advertising, and reporting services in your package.

Your potential clients like to check your packages before making a deal with you. A particular client may not want to buy all social media services. So, you can create a minimum bundle to help small businesses and startups. We have now presented some tips for developing a thoughtful structure for your social media packages.

A few pitfalls in determining the prices for social media packages can cause risks to your business. So, you should consider-

Your target client’s business size

Understanding your clients is important for creating the package. For instance, a startup’s marketing budget is not much big. But, established companies or bigger organizations can pay more than $ 10,000 per month.

Your social media services

It is costly to run an agency with a full-stack SMM service. While doing competitive research, you should focus on the deliverables offered by them. Try to know their charge for those deliverables.

Customer acquisition cost

How much time and resources have you invested in promoting your business and attracting clients? Determine the customer acquisition cost before creating your packages.

The most common types of Social Media Management packages

1) Starter package

As it is a basic package, it does not generate a high ROI. Still, you should create this package for your clients. This package allows brands to develop a social media presence. You can include services like strategy development, content creation, and content publishing according to a schedule.

Source: i-Webdesigner

We have provided an example of a starter package of a UK-based agency. The package shows that it offers 7 social media posts in a week. It is intended for clients who need to develop a presence only on 2 platforms. So, this package has some limitations and is best for small businesses.

2) Full-service social media package

It is an all-inclusive package for organizations with a higher budget. You will get an opportunity to work with big companies. The package should include everything, such as social media ads and community management.

However, as a freelance social media marketer, it is difficult to offer all the services. So, you should consider your ability to deliver services before creating the package.

We have presented some examples of social media packages created by different agencies. You will clearly understand how to design a perfect package for your SMM services.

Example 1

Brandit360 is a well-known social media agency that creates a high-level strategy for SMM solutions. The company has focused on increasing the number of social networks with the increasing cost of the packages. The pricing package’s layout is also attractive, as it shows the title tags clearly.

Example 2

Lyfe Marketing is another reputed company that has created its social media packages strategically. This company has made a unique approach by presenting visitors with a calculator to get an instant estimate. Clients need to choose the network and the number of weekly posts they want. Based on the input, the calculator gives the estimate. However, the monthly cost can range from $600 to $1,270.

Social Media Management Pricing

The company has created different packages for social media advertising. The GOOD, BETTER, and SCALE plans allow clients to choose the right one. The SCALE plan includes services for both video and image advertisements.

Adjust the prices according to your clients’ needs

Perhaps, you have put the best effort into making a highly transparent pricing scheme. Still, in some cases, your pricing rate may not match your clients’ requirements. So, how will you justify your rate for your social media services? Focus on some relevant factors that affect your social media management charge.

The time needed for accomplishing the social media project

Some social media projects are complicated and take more time. Thus, you can set an hourly charge for your SMM services. If your client asks for multiple revisions and edits, you should set the project timeline accordingly.

Your expertise and experience

If you have a portfolio of how you have served your previous social media clients, it will be advantageous. You can also reach out to your former and current clients to develop a video-based case study. Thus, you should try to prove your expertise in different ways.

Social media skills you have offered

As a social media marketer, you may show different skills to decide on your rate. For instance, your pricing will vary with your

  • Writing ability
  • Creativity
  • Content development and curating
  • Strategic planning ability
  • Analytical skills
  • Community management

Tips for retaining clients and reducing social media business costs

Have you somehow managed to attract a number of clients to your social media agency? Currently, you have a large client base. But, how will you retain your SMM agency’s clients? Until you have retained those clients, you cannot realize business growth. We have provided client retention tips with a few examples.

Balance stability and flexibility

A UK-based social media agency, Giraffe Social Media, experienced the effect of the pandemic on the industries and clients. That is why the company rethought its social media strategies to manage the situation. It has also adjusted its client retention tactics and become more flexible to reduce the burden on clients.

Social Media Management Pricing
Source: SproutSocial

Provide the right assistance with the most effective technology

Branding Bear is another marketing company that provides branding solutions to SMBs and non-profits. While working remotely, the company found it difficult to expand the business and develop client relationships.

So, the company revamped the way it works and leveraged new technology.

Try out new strategies

Social Media Management Pricing
Source: SproutSocial

A food marketing agency, Ingredient, allows brands to connect with potential clients and share their stories. Although many clients of this company faced uncertainty and new challenges during the pandemic, Ingredient formulated its success recipe.

Retaining the existing client base of your social media company is no doubt important. However, it is essential to think of ways to reduce the cost of operating your SMM business. A reduced business operation cost will help you increase your profit.

Work more smartly

The way you interact with clients can make a difference in how much money and time you save. Ensure that you and your clients have no different goals. You can create a monthly report to let your client track the progress. Slack and other tools are also helpful for in-house communication.

Optimize target audience

There is no need to invest time and resources in someone who does not match your target persona. So, you should focus on the targeted segment to learn about your potential clients. Online surveys and interviews are some ways to understand the target audience.

Concentrate only on the best marketing channels

You are running your business through different channels like social media, PPC, emails, influencers, and blogs. But, you should identify high-performing channels to meet your goals. With an increase in sales, you can think of improved strategies.

FAQ on the pricing schedules for Social media management services

How much should you charge for providing SMM services in 2023?

All agencies and freelance social media managers have set their own charges to serve clients. The standard monthly cost of a package is around $700. However, location, experience, and several other factors can affect the charge of social media marketers.

How much is charged by the beginner-level social media marketers?

As you are a beginner, you can set a flexible pricing plan. It is better to decide on the charge based on the project needs. Your hourly rate can range from $20 to $30. But, you may also create monthly packages with price starting from $500. The average rate for creating every post on the social media platform is $50.

What is the average charge for writing social media posts?

If you want to present yourself as a social media content development expert, you should charge an amount for every post. You should focus on the length of the caption and the time needed to create the post. The maximum charge for a post is $10.

What is the reasonable charge for Facebook page management?

Your client’s budget and your expertise are the main factors for setting the charge for Facebook page management. The hourly rate can range from $30 to $140.

Social Media Management Cost – How Much to Charge In Summary

Creating packages for your social media marketing services is an overwhelming task. If you do not know the real worth of your services, it is difficult to set the charge. Too high charges can cause the loss of clients. On the contrary, too low charges prevent you from gaining profit.

So, you should do intensive research and compare your competitors’ rates. It will give you a clear idea of what you need to charge for your services. But, location, the number of social platforms, competition level, and a few other factors influence your charge.

Social Media Management Pricing