Don’t Make These Mistakes When Scheduling Instagram Posts

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Scheduling Instagram Posts

Awesome Social

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January 4 , 2022


5 min read

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Scheduling Instagram Posts

Social media post schedulers allow you to rely on them with your social media posts. Moreover, it also allows you to schedule the content in advance so you don’t have to press the “post” button every now and then. With every social media platform, you have different guidelines and you have to follow them for making the most of the social media marketing. Twitter has its guidelines, and Instagram has theirs. The best social media scheduler helps you avoid the mistakes the most, and that too on every platform. But, there are some mistakes that you can do with Instagram only. And, these mistakes can prevent you from getting the best results. Here are some of the common mistakes that you should do.

1) Visual Platform Requires Visuals: Avoid Posting Imageless Content!

As we all know that the Instagram is a visual platform. And, scheduling the post without the post on Instagram is a very big blunder. And, this happens when you try to post the same thing on every platform. Like with Twitter and Facebook you can post it without the picture. But, on Instagram, you can’t. One of the things that you should look for in the best social media scheduler is that it reminds you with a reminder of putting a picture.

Instagram Scheduling Mistakes

2) Image Quality Matters: Optimize Images and Limit Hashtags!

With Instagram, you should be very careful about the poor-quality images as it is a visual platform. You can use any online editing tool and post the best quality picture. Also, you shouldn’t use too many hashtags on Instagram. It looks bombarded and looks spammed. Hence, you should only use one to three per post and that looks fine. The best social media post scheduler has the option of image optimization. Also, here is an article to know what makes a social media scheduler the best.

Don’t Schedule Instagram Posts with Links. Just DON’T!

Instagram Scheduling Mistakes

Links are a waste of time in Instagram posts. Either you should put the links out in the Instagram Bio. And, that you should never forget. It’s your opportunity to send your audience to the website that you want. If you have great content, you need to add a call-to-action to your link. It will make your post much more effective.

Instead, use tools like by Awesome Social for clickable URL links to post and track traffic and conversions on your posts.

4) Timing Matters: Post at Peak Hours to Maximize Engagement!

Posting at right time makes a difference. If you post at the wrong time, it won't get much attention and engagement and all your efforts will go into vain. Figure out your peak times, and then post accordingly.

schedule instagram post

Although the Instagram Algorithm now doesn’t show the posts in the order they are shared on Instagram. But, still, the posting time matters as it will bring early engagement of your target audience, ultimately making it rank higher in the algorithm. Remember that you should check your publishing statistics and get to know your engagement and then post. Furthermore, you can set the post queues and the posts get automatically posted.

Best Time to post on Instagram

Related Topic: Best Time to post on Instagram

5) Create a Flexible Posting Calendar for Consistency and Engagement!

Content Calendar

Let’s just say that if you post a certain type of content on Instagram regularly on some days of the week, your followers will wait for it. Like, Kim Garst adds motivational quotes. You can make a certain type of post your brand identity.  Hence, it will be easier for you to plan your social media posts, and this brings a very positive impact on your engagement. Just make sure that those posts are not being boring. Add the fun element every now and then.

6) Leverage Analytics: Don't Ignore Data for Better Content!

Although, this won’t create an impact on the post going forward. But, what’s the point of the post that you know is not worthy of going to the “Gram”.  Ignoring the analytics will not refrain you from posting the content on the visual platform, definitely. Instead, it will decrease the impact of your posts significantly. And, we guess nobody wants that. Hence, you should use a social media scheduler that provides you with the Instagram reports that you get with third-party analytics and monitoring tools. These reports are quite beneficial when it comes to getting information about your content., identification of which content or posts performs best on your account. Moreover, if you choose the best social media scheduler, you can also check the peak times. Just, check which posts get the most engagement and at what time. Once you note the distinct pattern, follow that.

7) Consistency is Key: Regularly Schedule Posts to Sustain Engagement!

Instagram scheduling tools

If you don’t schedule your posts on Instagram regularly, you might lose engagement. Because usually with Instagram you have to be regular to be on the newsfeed. With Instagram, consistency is important. Also, for social media marketing, you need to be consistent in the frequency of your posts. This doesn’t mean that you have to spam your followers. It's enough to say that you can schedule one post per day and you can maintain the engagement with the audience. More than one time is kind of spamming your followers. It’s a very thin line between being regular and being spammy. Don’t cross that. But, keep in mind that you should test what is working for you. You can take some inspiration from the business pages like Greats brand, entrepreneur magazine, Honest company, etc.

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