Does Posting with 3rd Party Apps Impact Facebook Reach? - Awesome Social

Does Posting with 3rd Party Apps Impact Facebook Reach?

Awesome Social

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February 1 , 2022


4 min read

Does Posting with 3rd Party Apps Impact Facebook Reach?

You may have listened to or encountered some discussions about the impact on Facebook reach because of the 3rd party applications. But, does it impact the reach? The simple answer is No! It doesn’t make much difference. Even, in many cases, third-party apps are a great option and give fantastic results. So, you don’t have to really worry about using the scheduling tools. Use the best social media scheduler free and bring a change to your feed.

Does Posting with 3rd Party Apps Impact Facebook Reach

Moreover, you cannot always rely on your memory to post things. Because, humans are born to make errors, but a simple error might bring a lot of devastating results for your social media feed. Definitely, these tools are highly important and are also accepted by almost every business strategy and campaign. But, sometimes you need some premium options like Awesome Social.

Does 3rd Party Apps Impact Organic Facebook Reach?

Many of us have encountered the argument of “Facebook punishing the posts from 3rdparties by minimizing the reach of posts made with them”. But, do the argument makes sense? Yes, it does, but whether it’s right or not is a valid debate. If we consider this argument, just think that wouldn't Facebook will prefer to make all the posts on their site, so you get exposed to as many ads as possible?

Do facebook really can punish the posts? Do they have the audacity to do this? In our opinion, NO! And, we have some reasons to back our answers.

1. Even, the Facebook business will boost because of your posts.

2. Every story that gets published on the Facebook business page brings another opportunity for exposing the followers of that page to ads.

Let’s look at some hypotheses and researches, and then come to conclusion.

A few years ago, Emeric Ernoult conducted research and concluded that,

“You can benefit from the power and flexibility of third-party applications without worrying about negatively impacting your reach or engagement. Don’t hesitate to use them!”

He is basically urging the people to make the most of the social media schedulers, and their benefits. So, if there is some hesitation in your mind about whether to use social media schedulers. End that hesitation right away and use the best social media scheduler free and make use of the time-saving app.

A social media scheduler called “Buffer” conducted their own study and concluded that using a social media scheduler or any 3rd party app doesn’t affect the reach and engagement. Their claims and study were based on the fact that they posted one week using their app, and one week using Facebook. The results and the engagement was pretty much the same.

Manage your facebook better with a Facebook Scheduler

How did the third-party tool rumors start?

Basically, this discussion and these rumors came into existence when Facebook themselves actively admitted that they give priority to the posts that are scheduled and published on their platform rather than the posts that are published and posted through third-party tools. And to top it off, many publishers also reported that they have noticed a significant drop in their engagement. The drop of about 80% engagement is not a joke, hence the rumors starting to take their place. But, keep in mind that it’s a thing of the past and is no longer valid.

After all this fiasco, in late 2011, Matt Trainer who happens to be  Facebook’s developer consultant announced that they have made some fixes. He announced that we recently made some fixes that add more signals to detect good quality posting behavior. And, these fixes should also bring some improvement in the situation of distribution of posts that comes from third-party apps in the Newsfeed. This cleared all the buzz about the third-party app in publishing the posts.

And, this also cleared the air and made it clear that what matters is the good quality content and the amazing posting behavior. Post all the relevant content without making people bored, add some value content, and the call to action in most of the posts.

What affects the reach?

After all the researches and studies, we conclude that reach and engagement basically depend on what content you post, how you post, and when you post. It has nothing to do with third-party applications.

· Posts with pictures gather more attention. And, that’s natural. The audience and the people will definitely look forward to the post with attractive posters, or colorful pictures. Or, at least it has some visuals. The reach gets significantly lower with the posts that have links. Also, scheduling the content that has posts is much easier. You can look for some successful social media campaigns here.

· Now that you have known that the app itself doesn’t make any difference, so you can use any of the best social media schedulers free. But, don’t make it too overwhelming. Use only one app to schedule the posts. Also, if you still have some hesitation, you can use Facebook to post the same amount of content. This way, you will free yourself from using too many tools, and gathering too much data.

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