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Your work's all-in-one easy to use electronic signature software

Our built-in, legally binding electronic signature solution converts your sales documents to digital format, makes them interactive, and speeds up the signing process without the need for additional software.

Digital Signature for digital workplace

Don't bother with printers, scanners, or fax machines. In a remote-only world, e-signature is a necessary to drastically reduce manual operations.

Popular Awesome Sign Features

Check our handpicked list of features that users love.

Edit PDF

Add text, images and edit PDFs. Use our app to seamlessly edit PDF files, secure PDF documents and more!

Reorder, Rotate and Merge

Request additional information by requiring attachments of supplementary materials. Request additional information by requiring attachments of supplementary materials.

Google Integration

With Awesome Sign's unified app for Google Workspace, you can sign documents, request signatures, and sign contracts straight from Drive, and Gmail.

Dropbox integration

Awesome Sign's Dropbox integration allows you to sign or deliver documents for electronic signatures directly from Dropbox. Go paperless to save money while also delighting your consumers.

Box Integration

Awesome Sign's Box integration allows you to sign or deliver documents for electronic signatures directly from Box. Go paperless to save money while also delighting your consumers.

Onedrive integration

Awesome Sign's Onedrive integration allows you to sign or deliver documents for electronic signatures directly from Onedrive. Go paperless to save money while also delighting your consumers.

Lossless editing

Upload, save, and access PDFs in the cloud with ease, and work from any device at any time. It will automatically save and sync the information, ensuring that you and your team always get the most recent version of the file.

All document format

Awesome Sign enables you to combine all of your electronic signature requirements into a single, streamlined procedure. Upload, send, and sign PDFs, DocX, etc.

Start signing your documents online

Power your contracts with Awesome Sign: Our electronic signature is simple to use and legally enforceable for all of the papers that drive your business.

Digital workplace

Setup document workflow

Multiple signers? Don't worry. Multiple approvers and signers? Don't worry. Do you need to incorporate viewers as well? That's right... no need to worry. Create the signature sequences, including all of the required signing fields, and then let the system do its job.

Invite team members to sign

Invite your team members and collaborate over documents to sign. Make them an you can monitor the document trail easily with the help of audit trails.

Track document

Stay updated every step of the document signing process with our comprehensive audit trail. Get instant alerts and notifications on each Step.

Electronic Signature

Digitally sign documents and send the signed copies to others. Manage document types and organize them effortlessly

Create PDF forms

With automatic form field recognition and designer help, you can quickly and effortlessly create PDF forms. Forms with push and radio buttons, check, combo, and list boxes, text, signature, barcode, date, and picture fields may be created in a professional manner.

Legally Binding

Awesome Sign's signatures provide legal validation. The signatures are timestamped and provide audit trails.


Save office cost and reduce your carbon footprint by going digital. Awesome sign helps you achieve your company's ecofriendly goals

Effortless Collaboration

collaborate with team members effortlessly over documents. Send and receive documents easily to sign.

The modern digital signature tool for team